
Medicinal Plants have been used since the beginning of time to treat Man & Animals.Many of the most popular pharmaceuticals used today have been synthesized from plant sources.
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The ECS functions principally by 2 chemicals that the body produces called Anandamide & 2AG. These two chemicals are responsible for a plethora of Health Giving benefits.But when these substances are absent, poor health and sickness steps in.The Cannabinoid plant has been the most researched medicinal plant because it shows a connection to our own ECS.Matter of fact, there are 10 times more researched papers written on Cannabinoids from plants than any pharmaceutical drug ever developed.

The ECS functions principally by 2 chemicals that the body produces called Anandamide & 2AG. These two chemicals are responsible for a plethora of Health Giving benefits.But when these substances are absent, poor health and sickness steps in.The Cannabinoid plant has been the most researched medicinal plant because it shows a connection to our own ECS.Matter of fact, there are 10 times more researched papers written on Cannabinoids from plants than any pharmaceutical drug ever developed.

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